In this case we represented a father. Parents had been accused of causing acute subdural haemorrhages and bilateral retinal haemorrhages in their very young baby by way of trauma of shaking. The case was heard in the High Court. A number of medical experts were instructed to assist the Court into the causation of these injuries including a Paediatric Haematologist, Paediatric Neuro-Surgeon, Paediatric Neuro-Radiologist, Neonatologist, Paediatrician and a Paediatric Ophthalmologist. The child and his sibling were placed in foster care whilst the investigations were undertaken. The medical experts could not find a medical explanation for the injuries sustained by the child. During the course of the Finding of Fact Hearing father conceded that he had been reckless with the child throwing him in the air whilst playing with him, got distracted by another child and did not catch the child resulting in the child falling some height onto the bed. The Court found that the cause of the injuries were accidental. Both siblings were swiftly returned to the care of the mother.