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Business as usual

Following the passing of Mr Fleming, Brendan Fleming Limited continues to operate

Stockport MBC and AM, DT, L + K and SM, LS, T and E 25 February 2016 [2016] EWFC 12

In this case we represented the father.  The child had sustained subdural and retinal haemorrhages.  It was considered by the hospital that these injuries were non-accidental in nature.  Medical experts including a Paediatrician, neuro-surgeon, geneticist, ophthalmologist was instructed. This case was considered in the High Court due to a number of intervenors being involved, some of whom were children.  At the end of the finding of fact hearing, the court concluded that the mother had been responsible for the injuries to the child. The father was exonerated. The children remained in the care of family with the father enjoying regular contact.